Download my CV here Kompetenceliste på dansk

Creative, responsive and dedicated

I am a quality conscious self-motivated perfectionist.

English is my mother tongue - I was born and raised in the United States - and I master the Danish language at a high level.

My dream of working with graphic design and communication, has motivated me to take an education in multimedia design and communication, at The Business Academy Southwest in Esbjerg, Denmark.

I have previously worked with graphic design, where I have been responsible for the entire process, from initial contact with the customer, to delivery of the finished product.

In the early '80s I hand drew ads for a store in the United States.


Watch a video slideshow I made for a customer.

To see possibilities instead of limitations is my motto.

It is always possible to discover new and better ways to handle a task.

Photography is a passion of mine and I am always working to develop my skills in the art of photography.

My photos have been used for web pages;,

As former chairman of the Friends of Vejen Music School, I have many years of experience organizing and carrying out tasks for the arrangements of concerts and meetings, as well as being responsible for advertising and PR.

I spend my spare time doing photography, yoga, enjoying nature and organic gardening.